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How do I sign up to race in a rally?

It's pretty simple really. All NASA Rally Sport events use an online sign up process of some kind. For many of them, you can look inside your user account and click on the 'Register' tab. If the rally you're looking for isn't there, check the web site for that particular event.

Here are some questions we get on occasion about this:

  • Do I have to have a membership/license before I sign up to enter the rally? No.
  • How much does it cost? This varies from rally to rally, the most accurate place to find this information is in the Supplemental Regulations for each event. One day rallies are from $400 to $600ish, and two day rallies are from $600 to $850ish. Just like an airplane ticket, the prices get higher the closer you get to the day of the race, so sign up early.
  • What if I don't have all the details (VIN, codriver, log book) yet? You can still sign up, and the built in check lists will help you track down all the details you'll need to get squared away before the rally.