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2014 Sandblast Rally Live Coverage

10 updates

Image: S.K.
Saturday March 1 1:54 PM
Unforunate trouble on Stage 2 lead to some delays for the car portion of the field. The fire is contained, all racers are ok, and the stage is being cleared for racing in the opposite direction. Engine fires are pretty rare in rally but this one certainly ended the day.

Image: Anders Green
Saturday March 1 12:07 AM
The evening Parc Expose was awesome. Depending on where you travelled from it was either brisk or balmy. This is the metaphorical Main St of Cesterfield SC. Locals enjoyed the sights and many kids were climbing into rally cars.

Image: Anders Green
Friday February 28 3:51 PM
Colin Bombara on 93.3 WCRE this morning. This radio talk show "The Morning Mess" is the go-to at work station for the area. Bombara had a blast.

Image: Anders Green
Friday February 28 3:41 PM
Smile! We've set up a mini studio to get profile pictures of the racers. They will show up in future spectator guides and online profiles.

Video Link by: Anders Green
Friday February 28 7:31 AM
Robert Martai has been racing up and down the East Coast. Rallies, hill climbs, track days, you name it. All the events had one thing in common though: tarmac. Sandblast Rally is Martai's first trip off the pavement with this car, and he tells us a little bit about testing his new gravel setup.

Image: Anders Green
Friday February 28 5:34 AM
The RallyPro driving school at The FIRM is back for 2014! New for this year, they're fielding a car as well, and we'll have further updates on that.

Image: Anders Green
Friday February 28 4:56 AM
The Martinez crew rolls in to town at 4:30 am. The report is "It's been a long night. And in this small extended cab truck, three people were sleeping inside while Nicholas was inside setting up the room. They have about four hours before the rally office opensr the day!

Image: Bill Westrick
Thursday February 27 9:24 AM
According the the calendar, we are smack in the middle of winter. And this picture proves it. This is the view out the dashboard for Bill Westrick, RallyMoto rider #164, as he begins his drive down from the blustery north of Michigan. Blue skies, sun, and warmth await the end of his 13 hour tow to South Carolina. For many Northerners, part of Sandblast Rally's appeal is a one-weekend escape from their native snowscape.

Video Link by: Anders Green
Tuesday February 25 11:54 PM
Here's a preview of the infamous 'Hamburger Hill', where a single 2WD can decide to plop itself down and get stuck in the absolute middle of the road.

Fortunately, the solution is simple: you just don't lift.

Image: Anders Green
Tuesday February 25 10:54 PM
And here's the start to another year of fantastic t-shirt designs. Thanks again to Dwain Cromer, of Indocil Art, for working on the graphics! These shirts were just picked up today, and we barely had a second to snap a picture of the design. A variety of shirt colors are available, the exact nature of which will be revealed at registration.